The (BMI) Body Mass Index for females is an indicator to determine the percentage of body fat in women. The BMI for females is a popular screening tool that determines risk for developing health conditions and is used by the public and physicians.
Relevant to the BMI is the body composition.
So what is body composition? Relative amounts of fat mass and fat free mass i.e. bone, water, connective tissues and teeth are what the body is composed of. For any body to function normally essential (minimum) fat is crucial.
In women it is 8 – 12% of total body weight and 3 – 5% of total body weight in men. Extreme dieting can therefore be a hazard causing serious health issues. To calculate the body fat percentage the total weight of the person’s fat is divided by the body weight. This consists of essential body fat (minimum fat storage) and storage fat (stored in adipose tissue).
The body requires a minimum of body fat or essential fat to maintain important functions including reproductive functions. Women have higher fat percentages than men due to demands of childbearing and hormones. Non essential fat or storage consists of fat accumulated in adipose tissue, which partly protects internal organs.
The body mass index for females allows for the comparison of women of different heights in relation to their weight. Due to the fact that individual body compositions may vary as some women may have more muscle mass than average (i.e. athletes) they will have a higher BMI making it inaccurate at times.
The defining borders between normal, overweight or obese are sometimes disputed because of this. In some cases the body fat percentage is regarded by some as a more accurate way of determining individual fitness levels as it directly calculates the particular person’s body composition without taking in regard height and weight of a person.
A doctor will make further assessments to determine whether overweight is a health risk and the following three measures are involved in determining the health risk factors in women. –
Body Mass Index or for females (BMI)
Waist circumference
Other health risk factors related to overweight
BMI does not measure body fat directly, but it relates closely to direct measures of body fat. For adults, BMI is interpreted while factors such as sex or age are not taken in account.
How should adults interpret results? The body mass index results are intrepeted using normal standard weight status categories that are identical for all ages for both men and women, however the minimum age should be twenty years. Teens and small children will not have the same results as adults BMI Calculator KG.
Body Mass Index for Females Score
Underweight = Below 18.5
Normal = 18.5 – 24.9
Overweight=25.0 – 29.9
The Body Mass Index is only one measure to determine body fat in a person, there are also other risk factors closely related to health issues such as for instance:
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Type 2 diabetes
Heart disease
Cancers etc.
Body Mass Index for Femalesusing the Metric system.
The formula for BMI: Your weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (weight in (kg) / height / (height (m2). Height is usually measured in centimetres, divide height in centimetres by 100 to obtain height in meters before using the formula.
To calculate BMI, take the weight (kg) and divide it by height (m). Then divide that number once again by height (m). Round to the second decimal place.